Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weight loss and Magnesium

Insulin is the central part of the weight-loss equation. Researchers found that those who secreted high insulin levels had a far more difficult time losing weight than those who secreted low levels of insulin.

Once your body releases insulin it immediately starts to inhibit your fat-burning hormone called hormone-sensitive lipase. This hormone is responsible for releasing fat into your bloodstream to be utilized as fuel. Once this enzyme is inhibited, your body is unable to burn fat and will then begin utilizing amino acids from your muscle and carbohydrates as fuel.This will cause you to become abnormally hungry, which further feeds this vicious cycle.

The key is to have LOW levels of insulin so your body can produce large amounts of hormone-sensitive lipase and burn fat all day so you can look thin and slim.
- Dr Joseph Mercola

A recent study found that magnesium intake was one of only two dietary factors that can significantly increase our production of adiponectin, a hormone that improves insulin receptor function and helps control weight. (The other factor that increased adiponectin was high intake of non-starchy vegetables) Cassidy A, et al. J of Nutr. Feb 2009. 139(2):353-358

When your magnesium levels drop, your ability to process fluids drops as well. This means that fluids build up in your system and cause water retention.

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