Magnesium deficiency can directly lead to cancer. When you consider that over 300 enzymes and ion transport require magnesium and that its role in fatty acid and phospholipids acid metabolism affects permeability and stability of membranes, free radical generation, and glutathione depletion, we can see that magnesium deficiency would lead to a physiological decline in cells setting the stage for cancer.
Permeability of membranes
Anghileri et al proposed that modifications of cell membranes are principal triggering factors in cell transformation leading to cancer.
Anghileri, L.J. Magnesium concentration variations during carcinogenesis. Magnesium Bull. 1979; 1:46-48.
Anghileri, L.J., Collery, P., Coudoux, P., Durlach, J. (Experimental relationships between magnesium and cancer.) Magnesium Bull. 1981; 3:1-5
Scientists have in fact found out that there is much less Mg++ binding to membrane phospholipids of cancer cells, than to normal cell membranes.
Linus Pauling Institute
It has been suggested that Mg deficiency may trigger carcinogenesis by increasing membrane permeability.
It has been suggested that Mg deficiency may trigger carcinogenesis by increasing membrane permeability.
In the case of solid tumors, a high level of supplemented magnesium inhibits carcinogenesis.
Blondell, J.W. The anticancer effect of magnesium. Medical Hypothesis 1980; 6:863-871.
Durlach J, Bara M, Guiet-Bara A, Collery P. Relationship between magnesium, cancer and carcinogenic or anticancer metals. Anticancer Res. 1986 Nov-Dec;6(6):1353-61
There is drastic change in ionic flux from the outer and inner cell membranes (higher Ca and Na; lower Mg and K levels), both in the impaired membranes of cancer, and of Mg deficiency.
There is drastic change in ionic flux from the outer and inner cell membranes (higher Ca and Na; lower Mg and K levels), both in the impaired membranes of cancer, and of Mg deficiency.
Free radical generation and glutathione depletion
According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, low magnesium is associated with dramatic increases in free radical generation as well as glutathione depletion. This is vital since glutathione is one of the few antioxidant molecules known to neutralize mercury.
Glutathione helps to defend the body against damage from cigarette smoking, exposure to radiation, cancer chemotherapy, and toxins such as alcohol and just about everything else. Without the cleaning and chelating work of glutathione cells begin to decay as cellular filth and heavy metals accumulates; excellent environments to attract deadly infection/cancer.
Energy production
Mg2+ is critical for all of the energetics of the cells because it is absolutely required that Mg2+ be bound by ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the central high energy compound of the body. ATP without Mg2+ bound cannot create the energy normally used by specific enzymes of the body to make protein, DNA, RNA, transport sodium or potassium or calcium in and out of cells, nor to phosphorylate proteins in response to hormone signals, etc. In fact, ATP without enough Mg2+ is non-functional and leads to cell death.
Detoxification of carcinogenic chemical poisons is essential for people who want to avoid the ravages of cancer. Dr. Boyd Haley who asserts strongly that, “All detoxification mechanisms need Mg-ATP to drive the process. There is nothing done in the body that does not use energy and without Mg2+ this energy can neither be made nor used.”
The involvement of free radicals in tissue injury induced by Mg deficiency causes an accumulation of oxidative products in heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle tissues and in red blood cells.
Virginia Minnich, M. B. Smith, M. J. Brauner, and Philip W. Majerus. Glutathione biosynthesis in human erythrocytes. Department of Internal Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine
Magnesium is a crucial factor in the natural self-cleansing and detoxification responses of the body. Without sufficient magnesium, the body accumulates toxins and acid residues, degenerates rapidly, and ages prematurely.
Magnesium protects cells from aluminum,
mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel.
mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel.
Immune system booster
Magnesium improves the internal production of defensive substances, such as antibodies and considerably improves the activity of white granulozytic blood cells (shown by Delbert with magnesium chloride), and contributes to many other functions that insure the integrity of cellular metabolism.
Studies on cancer and magnesium
· Aleksandrowicz et al in Poland conclude that inadequacy of Mg and antioxidants are important risk factors in predisposing to leukemias.
Aleksandrowicz, J., Blicharski, J., Dzigowska, A., Lisiewicz, J. Leuko- and oncogenesis in the light of studies on metabolism of magnesium and its turnover in biocenosis. Acta Med. Pol. 1970; 11:289-302. (abstr: Blood 1971; 37:245)
· Other researchers found that 46% of the patients admitted to an ICU in a tertiary cancer center presented hypomagnesemia (Mg defiency). They concluded that the incidence of hypomagnesemia in critically ill cancer patients is high.
D. Deheinzelin, E.M. Negri1, M.R. Tucci, M.Z. Salem1, V.M. da Cruz1, R.M. Oliveira, I.N. Nishimoto and C. Hoelz. Hypomagnesemia in critically ill cancer patients: a prospective study of predictive factors. Braz J Med Biol Res, December 2000, Volume 33(12) 1443-1448
· Researchers from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota have just concluded that diets rich in magnesium reduced the occurrence of colon cancer.
American Journal of Epidemiology (Vol. 163, pp. 232-235)
· A previous study from Sweden reported that women with the highest magnesium intake had a 40 per cent lower risk of developing cancer than those with the lowest intake of the mineral.
Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 293, pp. 86-89
· Pre-treatment hypomagnesemia has been reported
in young leukemic children, 78% of whom have histories
of anorexia, and have excessive gut and urinary losses of Mg.
in young leukemic children, 78% of whom have histories
of anorexia, and have excessive gut and urinary losses of Mg.
Paunier, L., Radde, I.C.: Normal and abnormal magnesium metabolism. Bull. of Hosp. for Sick Childr. (Toronto ) 1965; 14:16-23.
· Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water, and the same for selenium. The main difference was an extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5 to 3g in cancer-free populations, ten times more than in most western countries.
MAY 19, 1931, Dr. P. Schrumpf-Pierron presented a paper entitled “On the Cause Of the Rarity of Cancer in Egypt,” which was printed in the Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, and the Bulletin of the French Association for the Study of Cancer in July, 1931.
If we looked it would probably be very difficult to find a cancer patient with anywhere near normal levels of cellular magnesium meaning cancer probably does not exist in a physical cellular environment full of magnesium.
No one thinks to use it in cancer as a primary treatment. It is even worse than this, the medical establishment does not even use magnesium as a secondary treatment, or even use it at all and gladly uses radiation and chemo therapy, both of which force magnesium levels down further.
Magnesium chloride is the first and most important item in any person’s cancer treatment strategy. It goes against a gale wind of medical science to ignore magnesium chloride used transdermally in the treatment of any chronic or acute disorder, especially cancer.
During the first six months of treatment one should be looking at ten parts magnesium to one part calcium. In reality one need not even count the ratio during the first months, for the only real danger of extremely high magnesium levels comes with patients suffering from kidney failure.
It takes about three to four months to drive up cellular magnesium levels to where they should be when treated intensely transdermally but within days patients will commonly experience its life saving medical/healing effects.
It takes about three to four months to drive up cellular magnesium levels to where they should be when treated intensely transdermally but within days patients will commonly experience its life saving medical/healing effects.
Put in the clearest terms possible, our suggestion from the first day for cancer patients is to almost drown oneself in transdermally applied magnesium chloride. from